Sunday, 4 October 2015

P3B Communications Team

Each P3 Class has a Communications Team as part of the Harvest Appeal project that they are leading in school. They are working with Mercy Corps to raise money to help Syrian refugees. Comms Teams from P3A and P3C met with Mrs Noble and Ms Christie to make sure everyone hears about their appeal. The P3B Comms Team met with Ms Gallagher.

P3B Syrian Appeal Communications Group Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday 30th September 2015
Present: P3B Communications Group: Catie, Jamie, Izzy, Zoe, James.

1. What do we want to say about the P3 Project?
2. How can we tell people about the P3 Project?

1. Everyone explained the project in their own words to help tell other people about it.

Primary Three are trying to raise money for Mercy Corps to help Syrian children who are refugees. There is a war in Syria and lots of people have lost their homes. Refugees are people who are trying to find a safe place to live. We are lucky to have lots of things to play with in our playground. We want to help children in refugee camps. We want to give them their own playground. A playground costs £300.

We have decorated envelopes and everyone will get one. Please put some money in your envelope and bring it back to school by 8th October. We will collect the envelopes from the classes. Everyone in P3 has a different job to do. Some people are envelope collectors, some people are money counters and some people are going to talk at Assembly to tell everyone about our project.

Thank you from The P3 Communications Team 

2. Everyone had great ideas about how to tell people about the P3 project.

* Send an email to families.
* Put a message in the Flyer
* Presenter group will speak at Assemblies on Thursday
* Some people are making posters
* Jamie would like to put a message on our Digital Sign
* Put up a display for Parents’ Night
* James suggested a totaliser display
* Put information on the school website and the P3 Class Page
* Ms Gallagher will help the Communications Group to put up photographs and information on the P3 website.
* The group are going to draw some pictures for the website.

AOB (Any Other Business)
Jamie would like some other fundraisers this year, like the Swimathon, to help Syrian refugees.

Next Meeting: Thursday 1st October 1.30pm

P3 Communications Group Meeting Minutes 2

Date: Thursday 1st October 2015
Present: P3B Communications Group: Catie, Jamie, Izzy, Zoe, James

The Communications Group met yesterday. Everyone in P3 has worked really well together and got lots done really quickly!
1. What has P3 done so far?
2. What will the Communications group do next?

What Has P3 Done So Far?
* Email sent to families.
* Message in the Flyer
* P3 presented at both Assemblies on Thursday
* Victoria from Mercy Corps told everyone at Assemblies how the P3 project will help
* Posters finished and given out
* Envelopes decorated and given out
* Information posted on the school website and the P3 Class Page

What Will We Do Next?
Next week, the P3 Communications will capture what happens in the project. After the October holiday they will put their photos, notes, interviews and drawings on the website.
* Everyone will use their booklets to write down notes.
* Catie will ask Mrs Watson if the group can use their ICT time next week to type up some of their notes.
* The group will write a list of pictures they want to take next week e.g. counting the money.
* Izzy will ask Mrs Watson if the group can borrow some iPads to take photos a few times next week.
* Take photos at the Assemblies next week on Friday 9th October.
* Catie and Jamie would like to interview Victoria from Mercy Corps and Ms Anstruther.
* Izzy and James would like to film the interviews.

* James will speak to Ms Anstruther about displaying the total raised.
* Ms Gallagher will help the Communications Group to put up photographs and information after the October holiday.
* Jamie would like to put a message on our Digital Sign.

Next Meeting: Thursday 22nd October 1.30pm

Saturday, 3 October 2015

P3 Appeal for Playgrounds for Syrian Refugees

At special Assemblies with Mercy Corps on Thursday 1st October, P3 pupils told the school about their Harvest project to help Syrian refugees.

The P3 Communications Group met on Wednesday and this is how they explained the project in their own words:

Primary Three are trying to raise money for Mercy Corps to help Syrian children who are refugees. There is a war in Syria and lots of people have lost their homes. Refugees are people who are trying to find a safe place to live. We are lucky to have lots of things to play with in our playground. We want to help children in refugee camps. We want to give them their own playground. A playground costs £300.

We have decorated envelopes and everyone will get one. Please put some money in your envelope and bring it back to school. We will collect the envelopes from the classes. Everyone in P3 has a different job to do. Some people are envelope collectors, some people are money counters and some people are going to talk at Assembly to tell everyone about our project.

Envelopes should be returned to school by Thursday 8th October.

Thank you
P3 Communications Group

Friday, 2 October 2015

Money tricks

Reuben had a wonderful discovery to share with everyone in P3a today. He found out that if you arrange all the coins they make up the shield of a £1 coin. Everyone was very impressed!